Finding the Right Legal Services Helps You Access the Needed Resources

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The indoctrination of children in some public schools is ridiculous! Your daughter had views that she could not support with an original thought. It was all “Mrs So and So” said this or “Mr Blah and Blah” said that. It was not because your daughter is not intelligent, it is because your daughter, like many high school teenagers, are taught that teachers teach facts not opinions. Once you spoke to her about these subjects you advised her that now that she has the facts if she still shares the opinion of her teachers you can respect that. But you reminded her that if now she has formed a different opinion based on how she feels you will also respect that. As a parent, you have made it clear that she does not need to agree with your views or anyone else’s as long as she can support her opinion. You wish that all of her teachers felt the same way.

The first time you addressed this topic she was in seventh grade. She is now a senior and she now asks a lot of questions before she forms an opinion.

Education Is Not Meant to be a Slippery Slope

If you are a parent who wants to make sure that your student is getting facts not opinions while they are at school, it is important to make sure that you are familiar with the curriculum that is being taught. What do you do, however, when your student is not able to get the resources that they need to succeed? Unfortunately, if you have a child with a unique learning situation it is important to make sure that your son or daughter has access to every available resource. And while some school districts have the appropriate resources in place, there are other times when parents in some school districts find themselves looking for legal advice to make sure that their child can succeed.
From school to workplaces to documenting end of life decisions, there are many times when finding the most experienced legal services allows you to get the help that you need. Did you know, for instance, that nearly 51% of Americans age 55 to 64 do not have wills? This means that the families of these individuals may have to wait a very long time for the distribution of both finances and properties. Whether you are looking for an attorney who can help you understand the rights that your differently abled student should be getting or you need help negotiating an injury at work, it is always in your best interest to seek out the needed legal services sooner rather than later.

Estate planning is different than workers compensation, and both of these needs are different than the legal services needed for an advanced directive, so it is in your best interest to work with an office that provides the kind of legal services that you are in need of. Consider some of these facts and figures about the many ways that legal services help many individuals understand their rights and get the resources that they need:

  • Any individual who has assets in the six figures or higher should probably have a trust in addition to a will. This extra legal work will help to minimize estate taxes and avoid probate.
  • Unless your estate is valued at more than $5.43 million, or $10.86 million for a married couple, you are exempt from federal estate taxes, but lawyers can help you determine what rules apply to you.
  • A national survey conducted by the Joint Editorial Board for Uniform Trust and Estate Acts found that a majority of respondents had difficulty obtaining acceptance of powers of attorney. In fact, 63% reported occasional difficulty and 17% reported frequent difficulty, according to the Alabama Uniform Power of Attorney Act.
  • Having a qualified estate attorney draft documents nominating a Health Care Proxy and a Durable Power of Attorney costs between $500 and $1,500. This is a small investment when you realize that there are many times when this can help you make sure that your adult aged dependent children can still get the services that they need.
  • Now is the time to address the legal questions that you have.

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