If you have had a work injury, you need a work injury lawyer to take control of the situation and to work to get you a settlement. A personal injury attorney can help you when you have had an injury that happens on someone else’s property. Often, the cause of an accident is the property being neglected or otherwise poorly cared for. This can mean that the owner of the property is liable for your injuries.
When you get a personal injury lawyer, they will often know how to look into the property and discover what the problem was that caused the accident. If you have an attorney who is well-versed in accident case law, they will know how best to proceed with your case. They will be there to represent your interests during the case. It’s a good idea to take their advice when it comes to your case.
An accidental bodily injury claim may claim any of a number of things. This can mean that someone didn’t maintain their property, left it too cluttered, etc. When you have an injury, it could have been caused in any number of ways. Accident attorneys have experience with many types of these injuries.
Per the United States Department of Justice, common personal injury cases include the following: 52% motor vehicle accidents, 15% medical malpractice, and 5% are product liability. If you have been injured, chances are you do not know enough about the laws set in place in Florida to try and protect yourself without an attorney.
What Happens After You Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer
Once you have hired legal counsel it is important to understand what your attorney can do for you. There are many laws put in place in the state of Florida that make it detrimental to your case to acquire legal advice from an Ocala law firm. It is hard to determine on your own whether your case will go to court or be settled out-of-court. Chances are, you will more than likely settle outside of court and be saved the stress of a trail.
It is your attorney’s job to know current laws and to try and obtain a decent settlement in a short period of time. Your personal injury lawyer will do their best to ensure your rights are protected while providing you with a settlement for your consent. When you have been injured in an accident, check with a local law firm to see if you have a valid personal injury claim.
Understand the Settlement Negotiation and Litigation Process
Personal injury settlements are a specialized field that encompass many laws. During your case, you can expect your lawyer to provide timely responses concerning your case. Time is of the essence, but it also takes time to reach a settlement and there are a few things that need to be accomplished during the process.
Plenty of work needs to be accomplished including obtaining photographs, witness statements, official reports and much more. It takes time to gather evidence that is deemed necessary in order to prove how your accident occurred as well as establish fault according to current laws. You can depend on your attorney to build a solid case for you based on the facts.
Have You Already Been Released by Your Physician?
It is important to understand that your attorney cannot begin work on your personal injury case until you have been released by your physician or have started to recover from injuries. In some cases, an attorney can start building cases once the physical condition of a client has stabilized. This is due to the need for medical reports, bills, records, employment reports and other necessary documents that provide necessary information concerning your damages. This process alone takes time since some employers and health care providers tend to be slow when it comes to preparing reports.
You can depend on legal counsel to handle every step in regards to your personal injury case including soliciting offers from insurance companies, obtaining a fair settlement for you with trustworthy negotiations, filing a lawsuit or demand arbitration on your behalf, depositions of experts and witnesses, and requesting a trail date if necessary.
Do Not Discuss Your Case with Anyone
Do not discuss your case with anyone other than your attorney and physicians. No one should be questioning you in regards to your case. If you are being questioned, tell the appropriate parties that you have been advised not to discuss any details about your case. Instead, refer any inquiries directly to your lawyer. Keeping information private is detrimental to your case.
Understand What You Should and Should Not Do
You can depend on your lawyer to instruct you on many things that you should avoid doing to protect your case. For example, do not sign documents relative to your personal injury case, especially if you have not already discussed said documents with your lawyer. Send all copies of bills relative to your personal injury accident to your attorney, even if the insurance company is currently paying them.
Let your attorney know immediately when you have been released from care and you can return to work. If you change your phone number or address, let your attorney know. Finally, don’t change physicians without first advising your lawyer.