No one gets into a car and expects to get into a car accident. But the facts show that nearly 3 million Americans are injured in car accidents every year. If you find yourself on the other side of an accident, you may be considering retaining a personal injury lawyer. Or you may think you don’t have the need for a lawyer. Your injury was minor, or your accident happened years ago, or you think you don’t have a case.
There may be dozens of reasons you have to not seek out an attorney, but these reasons may not be well-informed, because there are plenty of myths surrounding when you should get an attorney after an accident. Let’s look at just four myths you may have heard about a personal injury attorney.
Myth #1: You Don’t Need a Lawyer After an Accident
Maybe your accident wasn’t too serious, or maybe you thought you came to an agreement with the other drivers. The truth is, you can’t depend on an insurance company to give you everything you are owed. Insurance is a great solution for when those accidents come up in life, but getting the appropriate payment from an insurance company takes time and can take some coercion. And if you’re trying to repair damages to your car, or you have to get a new one because of the accident, you don’t want to spend forever waiting for the insurance company to pay out. A lawyer can help you navigate the process as well as get you all the money that you deserve.
Myth #2: You Can’t Afford a Lawyer
When people think about lawyers, they think about a price tag. It’s true that lawyers are typically very expensive to retain, but there are plenty of options to fit your budget. Personal injury attorneys often operate on contingency, which means that they’ll take your case and expect payment after they’ve helped you reach the appropriate settlement. A contingency case can be a great option for plenty of people who don’t have the money upfront to pay for a lawyer.
Myth #3: It’s Been Too Long Since Your Accident
This myth differs from state-to-state, but it doesn’t hurt to check. In some states, you have up to two years to file a claim. Now, if it’s been ten years since your accident, then yes, it probably is too late to file a claim, but if it’s been less time than your state’s allowed time limit, it may still be worth filing a lawsuit if you felt you didn’t receive an adequate check to cover the damages to your car.
Myth #4: Any Lawyer Can Take Your Case
The reason that there are so many different types of lawyers is because of how nuanced laws are. If you’ve been in a car accident and you’re looking for an attorney to help you get compensation for your injuries, or if you aren’t willing to accept the insurance company’s offer, it’s best to seek out a lawyer that has experience in these areas. The more experienced of a lawyer you have by your side, the better your chances are of receiving the benefits you deserve.
There are dozens of other myths associated with whether or not you should hire a lawyer after an accident, but it’s important to do your research before you write off hiring an attorney. Remember, a consultation with a lawyer is typically low cost or even free, so it may be worth talking with an expert about your case to see if you can get some better results.