How to Legally Sell Your car

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Trying to sell a rough (say, junk) car can be an arduous task. Luckily, here are a few incredible, straightforward tips to help you sell your vehicle much faster. Let’s delve right in.

1. Be Truthful about the Car

You want to earn your customer’s trust to sell your junk car quickly. To do this, you’ll need to list your vehicle’s flaws neatly in the ads.

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Doing this will also help the buyer research unfamiliar challenges and determine how much the repairs will cost.

2. Take Plenty of Pictures

Your listing must have atleast four photos showing the front, sides, and rear. Don’t forget to take pictures of the interior and the engine. Also, getting the dents, scratches, or rust will help get the right buyer who wouldn’t mind doing a few repairs.

3. List the Number of Owners

To sell your junk car faster, you should assemble a list of ownership and detailed maintenance history. Also, mention a positive aspect of the vehicle and what may need fixing now and in the future. Additionally, you should avoid making up false stories about your vehicle. Be very truthful.

Being economical with the truth of the car’s condition will only make it harder to sell your old jalopy. You need to give potential buyers the true picture of the car to close the deal faster. There are plenty of buyers willing to go for a project car. Be honest to save everyone’s time.


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